Dinner Rolls, Miscommunication, and God

25 10 2010

A quick musing:

The other day my wife was in the kitchen making dinner when my two year old son came striding in. She asked “would you like a roll?” My son said “Yes!” So my wife handed him a dinner roll and my son happily (and somewhat triumphantly) rolled the dinner roll down the hall. My wife and I (both laughing) asked him if he would like to eat the roll. My son looked at us as if we were crazy. His look said it all: “but you asked me if I wanted to roll it not eat it!”

Sometimes I wonder how much we also misread communication from God. We get spiritual promptings, or answers to prayer, that mean one thing, but we misunderstand and promptly decide to “roll it down the hall instead.” Perhaps blaming God for our faulty understanding. We later say “but I’m still hungry!” God must get a good laugh sometimes, and perhaps a little exasperated.